PHP Example

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PECL Stomp extension

This example requires PECL STOMP package. To install, type "pecl install stomp".

// Network Rail Stomp Handler example by ian13
$server = "tcp://";
$user = "username";
$password = "password";
$channel = "TRAIN_MVT_ALL_TOC";

$con = new Stomp($server, $user, $password);
if (!$con) {
   die('Connection failed: ' . stomp_connect_error());
$con->subscribe("/topic/" . $channel);
   if ($con->hasFrame()){
       $msg = $con->readFrame();
       foreach (json_decode($msg->body) as $event) {
         // do stuff with $event here
die('Connection lost: ' . time());

Optionally, you can specify a client-id header, which will ensure message persistence (if enabled on the server) and queue messages whilst your subscriber is offline.

$con = new Stomp($server, $user, $password, array('client-id' => 'somename');

Further documentation on the PHP Stomp library is available at

Stomp library

An alternative Stomp client is available from Fuse Source. It has some minor issues, such as injecting spaces in the username/password, and sleeping on message retrieval.

A fixed version can be obtained from here or here.

 $con = new Stomp('tcp://');
 $con->clientId = 'someclient';
 $con->connect($username, $password);
 $msg = $con->readFrame();
 if ($msg != null) {
   foreach (json_decode($msg->body) as $event) {
     // do stuff with $event here