Historical Service Performance (HSP) is a platform containing historical Darwin data and can be used to provide metrics on the performance of services through the HSP API.
How can I access the platform?
To access the HSP API, you must register for an account at http://datafeeds.nationalrail.co.uk, selecting HSP as the Subscription type. Once you have submitted the registration form, you should receive a confirmation email. Follow the instructions in the email and set your new password.
There are 2 API methods available; serviceMetrics and serviceDetails.
Service Metrics
The serviceMetrics method is used to request and receive service performance information for a particular journey.
- The from_loc and to_loc fields in the request must be valid CRS codes
- The from_time and to_time fields in the request must be in HHMM format
- The from_date and to_date fields in the request must be in YYYY-MM-DD format
- The days type in the request must be WEEKDAY, SATURDAY or SUNDAY
- Service Metric results can be filtered to only return metrics for specific Train Operating Companies by using the 2-character TOC code as the toc_filter in the request
- Each request will generate a response providing metrics based on a service’s performance compared to a global tolerance value
- Up to 3 additional tolerance values can be submitted in each request to find out how the services are performing according to those tolerances
Service Details
The serviceDetails method is used to provide details of a particular service (RID).
API User Guide
The API user guide contains full details of each request and response and can be found at https://hsp-prod.rockshore.net/docs/hspapi/index.html