Upload log
Below is a list of the most recent file uploads. See the gallery of new files for a more visual overview.
- 16:46, 17 April 2016 Cameron Bird talk contribs uploaded File:Cambridge IECC S-Class Data.pdf.gz (External Communication Spec for Cambridge IECC (EN) [FoI Reference: FOI2016-00255])
- 16:44, 17 April 2016 Cameron Bird talk contribs uploaded File:Acton Wells S-Class Data.txt.gz (Signalling Output Table for Acton Wells (AW) [FoI Reference: FOI2016-00255])
- 22:05, 11 April 2016 Q talk contribs uploaded File:WI Maps Redacted.pdf.gz (WI VDU Layout released by NR under FoI)
- 22:03, 11 April 2016 Q talk contribs uploaded File:WI Block Schematic Redacted.pdf.gz (WI Block Schematic released by NR under FoI)
- 19:51, 7 April 2016 Q talk contribs uploaded File:TIPLOC Eastings and Northings.xlsx.gz (TIPLOC Eastings and Northings released by Network Rail under FoI Ref: FOI2015-01334)
- 13:35, 21 March 2016 Q talk contribs uploaded File:Scotland West Sig and Track Maps 2.tar.gz (Scotland_West_Sig_and_Track_Maps_2 released by NR under FoI ref: FOI2015/00984)
- 13:34, 21 March 2016 Q talk contribs uploaded File:Scotland West Sig and Track Maps 1.tar.gz (Scotland_West_Sig_and_Track_Maps_1 released by NR under FoI ref: FOI2015/00984)
- 17:50, 20 March 2016 Q talk contribs uploaded File:Scotland East Sig and Track Maps 4.tar.gz (Scotland_East_Sig_and_Track_Maps_4.tar.gz released by NR under FoI Ref: FOI2016/00155)
- 17:49, 20 March 2016 Q talk contribs uploaded File:Scotland East Sig and Track Maps 3.tar.gz (Scotland_East_Sig_and_Track_Maps_3.tar.gz released by NR under FoI Ref: FOI2016/00155)
- 17:47, 20 March 2016 Q talk contribs uploaded File:Scotland East Sig and Track Maps 2.tar.gz (Scotland_East_Sig_and_Track_Maps_2.tar.gz released by NR under FoI Ref: FOI2016/00155)
- 17:45, 20 March 2016 Q talk contribs uploaded File:Scotland East Sig and Track Maps 1.tar.gz (Scotland_East_Sig_and_Track_Maps_1.tar.gz released by NR under FoI Ref: FOI2016/00155)
- 11:25, 3 March 2016 PeterHicks talk contribs uploaded File:RttiPPTForecasts v3.xsd.gz
- 22:06, 25 February 2016 Q talk contribs uploaded File:0110X O WCKX SD010 Train Describer Block Schematic.pdf.gz (TD Block schematic Released by Network Rail under FoI ref: FOI2016/00103 Via: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/kings_cross_hertford_loop_signal)
- 22:05, 25 February 2016 Q talk contribs uploaded File:K2 SClassBits 10Mar14.pdf.gz (K2 Signal bits Released by Network Rail under FoI ref: FOI2016/00103 Via: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/kings_cross_hertford_loop_signal)
- 17:52, 28 January 2016 Q talk contribs uploaded File:EH Annex 3 Signalling Output Table.txt.gz (EH Annex 3 Signalling Output Table. Released by Network Rail under FoI ref: FOI2015/01202 Via: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/eastleigh_signalling_area_train)
- 17:51, 28 January 2016 Q talk contribs uploaded File:EH Annex 2 Block Schematic including VDU maps.pdf.gz (EH Annex 2 Block Schematic including VDU maps. Released by Network Rail under FoI ref: FOI2015/01202 Via: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/eastleigh_signalling_area_train)
- 17:50, 28 January 2016 Q talk contribs uploaded File:EH Annex 1 Stepping Table.pdf.gz (EH Annex 1 Stepping Table Released by Network Rail under FoI ref: FOI2015/01202 Via: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/eastleigh_signalling_area_train)
- 14:18, 27 January 2016 PeterHicks talk contribs uploaded a new version of File:20160126 ReferenceData.gz
- 14:07, 27 January 2016 PeterHicks talk contribs uploaded File:20160126 ReferenceData.gz
- 02:00, 24 January 2016 Jpl talk contribs uploaded a new version of File:TD Map AN.png (Berth 3429 has been replaced with 4145. Added berth 3428.)
- 20:35, 10 September 2015 Jpl talk contribs uploaded File:TD Map WE.png (Map of TD area WE.)
- 17:51, 13 August 2015 Jpl talk contribs uploaded a new version of File:TD Map AN.png (Redraw.)
- 21:39, 11 August 2015 Jpl talk contribs uploaded File:TD Map DR.png (Doncaster area.)
- 17:45, 28 July 2015 Jpl talk contribs uploaded a new version of File:TD Map CT.png (New version.)
- 01:29, 28 July 2015 Jpl talk contribs uploaded File:TD Map BE.png (Poole-Wool area.)
- 23:56, 27 July 2015 Jpl talk contribs uploaded a new version of File:TD Map ZE.png (Some minor corrections.)
- 19:15, 27 July 2015 Jpl talk contribs uploaded a new version of File:TD Map ZE.png (Area resignalled.)
- 08:17, 20 July 2015 Huzaifa Sheikh talk contribs uploaded File:TPS Schema.xsd.gz (Schema for TPS data)
- 01:23, 12 July 2015 Jpl talk contribs uploaded File:TD Map MA.png (TD Map for area MA)
- 17:25, 19 March 2015 PeterHicks talk contribs uploaded File:RttiPPTStatus v1.xsd.gz (Push Port Status XSD)
- 09:28, 11 March 2015 AndrewTolley talk contribs uploaded File:RttiPPTAlarms v1.xsd.gz (rttiPPTAlarms_v1.xsd.gz)
- 09:28, 11 March 2015 AndrewTolley talk contribs uploaded File:RttiPPTTDData v1.xsd.gz (rttiPPTTDData_v1.xsd.gz)
- 09:27, 11 March 2015 AndrewTolley talk contribs uploaded File:RttiPPTTrainAlerts v1.xsd.gz (rttiPPTTrainAlerts_v1.xsd.gz)
- 09:27, 11 March 2015 AndrewTolley talk contribs uploaded File:RttiPPTStationMessages v1.xsd.gz (rttiPPTStationMessages_v1.xsd.gz)
- 09:27, 11 March 2015 AndrewTolley talk contribs uploaded File:RttiPPTTrainOrder v1.xsd.gz (rttiPPTTrainOrder_v1.xsd.gz)
- 09:18, 11 March 2015 AndrewTolley talk contribs uploaded File:RttiPPTCommonTypes v1.xsd.gz (rttiPPTCommonTypes_v1.xsd.gz)
- 09:16, 11 March 2015 AndrewTolley talk contribs uploaded File:RttiPPTForecasts v2.xsd.gz (rttiPPTForecasts_v2.xsd.gz)
- 09:15, 11 March 2015 AndrewTolley talk contribs uploaded File:RttiPPTSchedules v1.xsd.gz (rttiPPTSchedules_v1.xsd.gz)
- 09:13, 11 March 2015 AndrewTolley talk contribs uploaded File:RttiPPTSchema v12.xsd.gz (rttiPPTSchema_v12.xsd.gz)
- 09:04, 11 March 2015 AndrewTolley talk contribs uploaded File:RttiCTTSchema v8.xsd.gz (Darwin Timetable v8 schema)
- 09:03, 11 March 2015 AndrewTolley talk contribs uploaded File:RttiCTTReferenceSchema v3.xsd.gz (Darwin v12 schema files)
- 17:16, 10 March 2015 Huzaifa Sheikh talk contribs uploaded File:20150302 ReferenceData.gz
- 02:27, 5 February 2015 Jpl talk contribs uploaded File:TD Map WY.png (Map of TD area WY.)
- 04:48, 3 February 2015 Jpl talk contribs uploaded File:TD Map BA.png (Map of TD area BA.)
- 03:10, 3 February 2015 Jpl talk contribs uploaded File:TD Map AW.png (Map of TD area AW.)
- 14:37, 28 January 2015 PeterHicks talk contribs uploaded File:PushPort v16 XSDs.tar.gz (Darwin Push Port v16 XML Schema Definition)
- 21:33, 19 January 2015 Jpl talk contribs uploaded a new version of File:TD Map A2.png (Fixed berth 471C)
- 21:26, 19 January 2015 Jpl talk contribs uploaded a new version of File:TD Map A2.png (Redrawn to new layout.)
- 04:00, 14 January 2015 Jpl talk contribs uploaded File:TD Map SI.png (Map of TD area SI.)
- 19:47, 10 January 2015 Jpl talk contribs uploaded a new version of File:TD Map LS.png (New version.)