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Connecting with Stomp

From Open Rail Data Wiki

Stomp is a Simple Text-Oriented Messaging Protocol, used by the Network Rail and National Rail Enquiries Data Feeds platforms.


A number of code examples are available, which are tailored to the Network Rail data feeds.

Clients which will work on either the Network Rail or National Rail Enquiries feeds are currently being written and will be available on the openraildata organisation on GitHub.

Connection details

Network Rail

Hostname publicdatafeeds.networkrail.co.uk
Port 61618
Username The username you use to sign in to https://publicdatafeeds.networkrail.co.uk
Password The password you use to sign in to https://publicdatafeeds.networkrail.co.uk

Messages are delivered on topics. You should subscribe to each topic as /topic/<topic-name>.

It's recommended that you use a durable subscription, which will keep any pending messages for you for a total of five minutes after you disconnect.

National Rail Enquiries (Darwin v16)

Hostname The hostname displayed on the 'My Feeds' screen on https://opendata.nationalrail.co.uk
Port 61613
Username The username displayed on the 'My Feeds' screen on https://opendata.nationalrail.co.uk
Password The password displayed on the 'My Feeds' screen on https://opendata.nationalrail.co.uk

All message bodies are compressed with gzip, and you will need to un-compress them when you receive them.

Messages are delivered on per-user queues. Your queue name is on the 'My Feeds' screen, and you should subscribe to the queue as /queue/<queue-name>.

There is no need to use a durable subscription, as you will receive each message on your own queue exactly once, and messages will be queued for a total of five minutes after you disconnect.