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Open Data Releases

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This page lists data that has been made available from the rail and transport industry.

Network Rail

Railway Safety and Standards Board

  • RSSB has a list of current and withdrawn Railway Group Standards current and withdrawn Railway Group Standards, Rail Industry Approved Codes of Practice (RACOPs), guidance notes and and Rail Industry Standards. Registration is required to access this data.

Office of Rail and Road

  • ORR Data Portal, including Signals Passed at Danger (SPADs), volume of freight movement, historical Public Performance Measure data, passenger train revenue and temporary speed restrictions.


Transport for London

  • TfL Open Data, where you can sign up for access to numerous feeds, including live traffic camera images, real-time bus arrivals, Tube departure boards, station locations, a journey planner and tube disruption data.
  • Trackernet - Legacy feed for real-time London Underground information, with some operational information not offered by TfL's unified API.

Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM)

Documentation is provided by a user-unfriendly Microsoft Azure portal. The endpoint URLs and parameters are documented, but there's no documentation on response fields, or interpretation.

The only Metrolink information currently available is an overview of the information TfGM's CIS is displaying at PIDs at stops, and is organised by PID, not location.


    "Id": 127854, "Line": "Airport", "TLAREF": "AIR", "PIDREF": "AIR-TPID01",
    "StationLocation": "Manchester Airport", "AtcoCode": "9400ZZMAAIR1", "Direction": "Incoming",
    "Dest0": "Firswood", "Carriages0": "Single", "Status0": "Due", "Wait0": "7",
    "Dest1": "", "Carriages1": "", "Status1": "", "Wait1": "",
    "Dest2": "", "Carriages2": "", "Status2": "", "Wait2": "",
    "Dest3": "", "Carriages3": "", "Status3": "", "Wait3": "",
    "MessageBoard": "Due to overhead line damage Airport services are operating to Firswood only. Please use Didsbury services for onward travel into the City Centre. Please see TFGM.com",
    "LastUpdated": "2023-06-13T15:31:28Z"

High Speed Two Ltd

  • data.gov.uk has details the route of the planned HS2 line. This data is now no longer published, but was in ESRI Shapefile format, licenced under Open Government Licence (OGL)

British Transport Police

  • Data.gov.uk has crime stats for stations and trains in Jan to August 2012


  • OpenStreetMap contains most of the UK rail network at varying levels of detail. Some stations are tagged with naptan:AtcoCode and/or a CRS reference, and some have routes associated with them. The Osmosis application could be used to pull nodes and ways from an OSM planet dump/extract.

Non-UK data

Some of this data is fully open, other data is available for casual use but without clear licensing conditions.


  • Trafikinfo API for trains operating in Sweden provided by Trafikverket, the Swedish Transport Administration.
  • Järnvägsdata contains geographical data of railway infrastructure in ESRI Shapefile format.


Finland has an extensive open rail data platform thanks to the government's open-data initiative.


Entur AS was created in 2016 to unify ticketing, journey planning, and passenger information throughout Norway, on all public transport modes. BaneNOR is the infrastructure owner/operator (similar to Network Rail) and also publishes some data.

  • Entur Real-time information in SIRI and GTFS-RT
  • Entur Stops and timetables (NeTEx)
  • Entur Journey planner (GraphQL)
  • BaneNOR SIRI - Note that signup silently fails if the portal doesn't like your password
  • BaneNOR Åpne data (SIRI). Information in Norwegian about the RTD (Real Time Display) system and SIRI ProductionTimetable and EstimatedTimetable interfaces.

See also