Train Cancellation
When trains are cancelled, a cancellation message is sent. This contains details of the cancellation - the location to which it applies, the type of cancellation, and the reason code.
As with all other messages, cancellation messages will only be received for train schedules which have already been activated.
Data structure
Field | Description |
msg_type | Set to '0002' for a cancellation message |
source_dev_id | Set to the device ID of the terminal that issued the request |
source_system_id | Set to "TRUST" for a cancellation message |
original_data_source | Set to "TOPS" or "SDR" for a reactionary cancellation, or "" for a planned cancellation (STP 'C') |
Field | Description |
train_id | The 10-character unique identity for this train at TRUST activation time |
orig_loc_stanox | For an an "OUT OF PLAN" cancellation, set to the location in the schedule that the train should have been at |
orig_loc_timestamp | For an "OUT OF PLAN" cancellation, the departure time of the location in the schedule that the train should have been at |
toc_id | Operating company ID as per [TOC Codes] |
dep_timestamp | The departure time at the location that the train is cancelled from |
division_code | Operating company ID as per [TOC Codes] |
loc_stanox | The STANOX of the location in the schedule that the train is being cancelled from. For an "OUT OF PLAN" cancellation, this STANOX will not be in the schedule, but a [Train Movement] message will have already been sent for |
canx_timestamp | The time at which the cancellation was input to TRUST |
canx_reason_code | The reason code for the cancellation, taken from the [Delay Attribution Guide] |
canx_type | Either "ON CALL" for a planned cancellation, "AT ORIGIN", "EN ROUTE" or "OUT OF PLAN" |
train_service_code | Train service code as per schedule |
train_file_address | The TOPS train file address, if applicable |