Train Cancellation

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Revision as of 15:14, 25 January 2013 by PeterHicks (talk | contribs) (Update cancellation documentation)


The Train Cancellation message is used to indicate a train that has been cancelled.

Data structure


Field Description
msg_type Set to '0001' for an activation message
source_dev_id Always blank for an activation message
source_system_id Set to "TRUST" for an activation message
original_data_source Set to "TSIA" for an activation message


Field Description
train_id Set to the 10-character unique identity for this train, and will appear in other TRUST message types
creation_timestamp The time, in milliseconds, when the train was originally created in TRUST
tp_origin_timestamp The date, in YYYY-MM-DD format, the train runs. For trains activated before midnight that run after midnight, this date will be "tomorrow's" date
train_uid The UID of the schedule being activated - either a letter and five numbers, or a space and five numbers for VSTP trains
sched_origin_stanox STANOX of the originating location. May not be nil
sched_start_date The start date of the schedule
schedule_end_date The end date of the schedule
schedule_source Set to 'C' for schedules from CIF/ITPS, or 'V' for schedules from VSTP/TOPS
schedule_type Either C (Cancellation), N (New STP), O (STP Overlay) or P (LTP)
sched_wtt_id The headcode and TSPEED of the train (either '1', '2', '3', '4', 'C', 'M', 'N' or 'O')
d1266_record_number Either '00000' for a CIF/ITPS schedule, or the TOPS unique ID of the schedule
tp_origin_stanox If the train is due to start from a location other than the origin (i.e. it is part-cancelled), the STANOX of the location at which the train starts, otherwise the STANOX of the scheduled origin location
origin_dep_timestamp The estimated WTT time of departure from the originating location
train_call_type Either 'AUTOMATIC' for auto-called trains, or 'MANUAL' for manual-called trains
train_call_mode Set to 'NORMAL' for a train called normally, or 'OVERNIGHT' if the train is called as part of an overnight batch process to activate peak period trains early
toc_id Operating company ID as per TOC_Codes
train_service_code Train service code as per schedule
train_file_address The TOPS train file address, if applicable