Delay Attribution Guide

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The Delay Attribution Guide contains a list of delay attribution codes and reasons. The same codes are used in Train Cancellation messages sent on the Train Movements feed.

The codes in use as of April 2021 are listed here for reference.

Codes are grouped in to several sections:

  • A* - Freight Terminal Operations Causes
  • D* - Holding Codes
  • F* - Freight Operating Causes
  • I* and J* - Infrastructure causes
  • M* and N* - Mechanical or Fleet Engineer Causes
  • O* - Network Rail Operating causes
  • P* - Planned or excluded delays or cancellations
  • Q* - Network Rail Non-Operating causes
  • R* - Station Operating Causes
  • T* - Passenger Operating causes
  • V* - External events – TOC Responsibility
  • X* - External events - Network Rail
  • Y* - Reactionary Delays
  • Z* - Unexplained delays and cancellations

Delay Attribution Codes

Code Cause Abbreviation
AA Waiting acceptance into off Network Rail network Terminal or Yard ACCEPTANCE
AC Waiting train preparation or completion of TOPS list/RT3973 TRAIN PREP
AD Off Network Rail network Terminal or Yard staff shortage including reactionary congestion caused by the shortage WTG STAFF
AE Congestion in off Network Rail network Terminal or Yard CONGESTION
AG Wagon load incident including adjusting loads or open door LOAD INCDT
AH Customer or off Network Rail network yard equipment breakdown/reduced capacity YARD EQUIP
AJ Waiting Customer's traffic including release information and documentation TRAF DOC
AK Safety incidents and mishaps (e.g. derailments, fire or chemical spill) in off Network Rail network freight yard or terminal (including private sidings, and stations – where it affects FOC services) YARDSAFETY
AX Failure of off network infrastructure (FOC or private) OFFNET INF
AZ Other Freight Operating Company cause, to be specified, in off Network Rail network terminals or yards YARD OTHER
DA Non Technical Fleet Holding Code HOLD NT FL
DB Train Operations Holding Code HOLD T-OPS
DC Train Crew Causes Holding Code HOLD T-CRW
DD Technical Fleet Holding Code HOLD T FL
DE Station Causes Holding Code HOLD STN
DF External Causes Holding Code HOLD EXT
DG Freight Terminal and or Yard Holding Code HOLD YARD
DH Adhesion and or Autumn Holding Code HOLD AUTM
FA Dangerous goods incident DANG GOODS
FC Freight Train Driver error, SPAD, Wrong routing or Missed AWS/DSD FOC DRIVER
FE Train crew not available including after rest NO T-CREW
FF FOC Diagramming or Rostering issue FOC DIAG
FG Driver adhering to company professional driving standards or policy PRO DRIVER
FH FOC Planning issue (not diagramming or rostering) FOC PLAN
FI Delay due to incorrect ETCS system or equipment operation by Driver ETCS DVR
FJ FOC Control decision or directive FOC CONTRL
FK Train diverted or re-routed at FOC request DIVERT REQ
FL Train cancelled at FOC request or planned not to run CANCEL REQ
FM Tail lamp or head lamp out or incorrectly shown LAMP ISSUE
FO Time lost en-route believed to be Operator cause and information required from Operator (Ops Responsibility) LIR UNEX
FS Delay due to ETCS/ ERTMS on-board overriding driver command ETCS O-RDE
FW Late start or yard overtime not explained by Train Operator LATE START
FX Freight train running at lower class or speed than planned classification or overweight TRAIN SPEC
FZ Other FOC causes incl. cause to be specified, including mishaps. FOC OTHER
IA Signal failure (including no fault found) SIGNAL FLR
IB Points failure (including no fault found) POINTS FLR
IC Track circuit failure (including no fault found) TC FAILURE
ID Level crossing faults and failure incl. barrow/foot crossings and crossing treadles LEVEL XING
IE Signalling functional power supply failure SIG FUNC PWR
IF Train Describer/Panel/ARS/SSI/TDM/Remote Control failure PANEL FLR
IG Block failure BLOCK FLR
IH Power supply and distribution system failure PWR SUP DIS
II Signalling lineside cable fault SIG CABLE
IJ AWS/ATP/TPWS/Train Stop/On-track equipment failure AWS/ATP
IK Telecom equipment failure (including no fault found) TELECOMS
IL Token equipment failure (including no fault found) TOKEN FLR
IM Infrastructure Balise Failure (TASS / ETCS / ERTMS) BALISE FLR
IN HABD/Panchex/WILD/Wheelchex fault, failure or mis-detection HABD FAULT
IP Points failure caused by snow or frost where heaters are fitted but found to be not turned on, not operative or defective POINT HEAT
IQ Trackside sign blown down, fallen over, missing, defective, mis-placed TRACK SIGN
IR Broken/cracked/twisted/buckled/flawed rail RAIL FLAW
IS Track defects (other than rail defects) inc. fish plates, wet beds etc. TRACK FLT
IT Rough ride or bumps reported - cause not known or no fault found TRACK NFF
IV Cutting or embankment earthslip, rock fall or subsidence (not the result of severe weather on the day of failure) EARTHSLIP
IW Non severe weather - snow/ice/frost affecting infrastructure equipment INF WEATHR
I0 Telecom equipment legacy radio failure (RETB) RETB FLR
I1 Overhead line/3rd rail defect OHL/3 RAIL
I2 AC/DC trip (including no fault or cause found) AC/DC TRIP
I4 OHLE/3rd rail power supply failure or reduction SUPPLY FLR
I5 Possession over-run from planned work OVERRUN
I6 Delays as a result of line blocks / track patrols (including late handback) LINE BLOCK
I7 Engineer's train late into, from or failed in possession ENGNRS TRN
I8 Animal Strike or Incursion within the control of Network Rail ANIMAL
I9 Fires starting on Network Rail Infrastructure INFRA FIRE
JA TSR speed restrictions for track work outside of the Timetable Planning Rules TSRNOT EAS
JB Reactionary Delay to ‘P’ coded TSR TSR REACTN
JD Structures - Bridges/tunnels/buildings/retaining walls/sea defences (not bridge strikes) STRUCTURES
JF Off track asset defects or issues on the Network Rail network including fencing, gates, walkways, lighting (not due to vandalism or weather or where the asset is part of the station infrastructure) OFFTRK ASS
JG ESR/TSR due to works not completed or cancelled possession (where restriction did not exist prior to possession) ESR/TSR
JH Critical Rail Temperature speeds, (other than buckled rails) HEAT SPEED
JK Flooding not due to exceptional weather FLOODING
JL Safety related incident caused by maintenance or infrastructure staff oversight or error (not Operations staff) SAFETY INF
JP Failure to maintain vegetation within network boundaries in accordance with prevailing Network Rail standards, including where signals areobscured and a train strikes branches. VEGETATION
JR Delay due to RBC issues affecting ETCS / ATO operation (not balise related) RBC ETCS
JS Condition of Track TSR outside the Timetable Planning Rules TRACK COND
JT Points failure caused by snow or frost where heaters are not fitted. NO PNT HTR
JX Miscellaneous items on the track or railhead including litter, excluding leaves, demonstrated vandalism, weather or items fallen/thrown from trains MISC OBJCT
J0 Telecom equipment radio failure (GSM-R) GSM-R FLR
J2 Network Rail train dispatch equipment failure (including no fault found but excluding telecoms equipment) TRTS FLR
J3 Axle Counter Failure AXLE C FLR
J4 Infrastructure Safety Issue Reported by Member of the Public – No Fault Found MOP NFF
J5 Infrastructure Asset Fault Reported but Proven to be mistaken MIS REPORT
J6 Lightning strike against unprotected assets LIGHTNING
J7 ETCS/ ERTMS Equipment Failure (excluding communications link and balises) ETCS FLR
J8 Damage to infrastructure caused by on-track machine whilst operating in a possession OTM DAMAGE
J9 Preventative Maintenance to the infrastructure in response to a Remote Condition Monitoring Alert RCM ALERT
MB Electric loco failure, defect, attention. ELEC LOCO
MC Diesel loco failure, defect, attention. DIESL LOCO
MD Other technical failures below the solebar BELOW SBAR
ME Steam locomotive failure/defect/attention STEAM LOCO
ML Wagons, coaches and parcel vehicle faults WAGN/COACH
MN Brake and brake systemsfaults; including wheel flats where no other cause had been identified BRAKE/WHLS
MP Rail/ wheel interface, adhesion problems (including ice on the running rail) ADHESION
MR Sanders and scrubber faults SANDER
MS Planned underpowered or shortformed service and or vehicle, incl. exam set swaps ALOC STOCK
MT Confirmed train borne safety system faults (not cab based) SYST FAULT
MU Depot operating problem DEPOT OPS
MV Engineer’s on-track equipment failure outside possession ON-TRACK
MW Weather - effect on T&RS equipment WEATHR FLT
MY Coupler and Coupler system faults COUPLER
M1 Confirmed Pantograph ADD, shoe beam or associated system faults Incl. positive PANCHEX activations PANTO/SHOE
M2 Delay due to ATO / ETCS equipment ETCS
M7 Door and Door system faults DOORS
M8 Other technical failures above the Solebar ABOVE SBAR
M9 Reported fleet equipment defect - no fault found FLEET NFF
M0 Confirmed train cab based safety system fault (including GSM-R) CAB SAFETY
NA On-train TASS/TILT failure TASS/TILT
OA Regulation decision made with best endeavours ENDVR REG
OB Delayed by signaller not applying applicable regulating policy REGULATION
OC Signaller including mis-routing (not ERTM /ETCS related) SIGNALLER
OD Delays due to national, regional or route operations directives, or route control decisions or directive NR CONTROL
OE Failure to lay Sandite or operate Railhead Conditioning train as programmed RHC PROG
OF Delay due to incorrect ETCS system or equipment operation by Signaller / Controller ETCS CTRL
OG Ice on conductor rail/OHLE ICING
OH ARS / TMS / SARS software problem (excluding scheduling issues and technical failures) ARS / TMS
OJ Fire in station building or on platform, affecting operators not booked to call at that station STN FIRE
OK Delay caused by Operating staff oversight, issues or absence (excluding signallers and Control) OPTG STAFF
OL Signal Box not open during booked hours BOX CLOSED
OM Technical failure associated with a Railhead Conditioning train RHC FAIL
ON Delays not properly investigated by Network Rail MIS-INVEST
OQ Incorrect Simplifier SIMPLIFIER
OR LOM Directive or signaller correctly applying local box instructions BOX INSTR
OS Late start or delays to Railhead Conditioning (RHC) or Ghost Train due to its own activity and not in reaction to another incident. RHC LATE
OT Operational Safety TSR implemented for sighting issues relating to foot crossings, level crossings or signals (Not vegetation caused) SIGHT TSR
OU Delays not investigated by Network Rail NOT INVEST
OV Fire or evacuation due to fire alarm of Network Rail buildings other than stations not due to vandalism NR FIRE
OW Connections held where the Prime Incident causing delay to the incoming train is a FOC responsibility incident and the next departing service is scheduled to depart less than 60 minutes later than the train being held. FOC CONECT
OZ Other Network Rail Operating causes OPTG OTHER
PA Published TSR associated with Planned Engineering Works where time loss is within Engineering Allowance PLANND ENG
PB Published TSR due to condition of asset (not associated with Engineering Work) where time loss is within Engineering Allowance PLANND CON
PD System generated cancellation (NOT to be attributed to manually) SYSTM CANC
PF Planned engineering work where a published diversion/SLW is not provided for in the schedule but where time loss is within Engineering Allowance DIVRSN SLW
PG Planned cancellation where that cancellation isidentified and agreed prior to 22.00 the day before the schedule runs PLAND CAPE
PJ Cancellation of a duplicate or erroneous schedule or an identified duplicate, false or erroneous delay (NOT berth off set related) DUPLICATE
PL Exclusion commercially agreed and documented between Network Rail and Train Operator AGREED EXC
PN VSTP service delays of under 5 minutes caused by regulation and or time lost in running (VSTP Schedule delay ONLY where that delay causes no reactionary delay) VSTP DELAY
PT Authorised TRUST reporting anomalies or inaccuraciesrelating to berth off sets TRUST ANOM
QA WTT Schedule and or LTP process including incorrect simplifiers (where produced by Capacity Planning). WTT SCHED
QB Planned engineering work- diversion/SLW not timetabled (outside the Timetable Planning Rules.) DIVRSN/SLW
QH Adhesion problems due to leaf contamination RAILCONTAM
QI Cautioning due to railhead leaf contamination CAUTCONTAM
QJ Special working for leaf-fall track circuit operation LEAVES T/C
QM Train Schedule VAR/STP process including incorrect simplifiers (where produced by Capacity Planning). STP SCHED
QN VSTP schedule / VSTP process (TSI created schedule) VSTP SCHED
QP Reactionary Delay to “P” coded Possession PLND REACT
QT Delay accepted by Network Rail as part of a commercial agreement where no substantive delay reason is identified COMMERCIAL
RB Passengers joining/alighting PASSENGERS
RC Pre-booked assistance for a person with reduced mobility joining/alighting BKD ASSIST
RD Attaching/detaching/Shunter/watering ATT/DETACH
RE Lift/escalator defect/failure LIFT/ESC
RH Station evacuated due to fire alarm FIRE ALARM
RI Waiting connections - not authorised by TOC Control UNAUTH CON
RJ Special Stop Orders - not authorised by TOC Control UNAUTH SSO
RK Waiting passenger connections authorised by TOC but out with TOC/Network Rail connection policy AUTH CON
RL Special Stop Orders authorised by TOC Control (including any delay at point of issue) AUTH SSO
RM Waiting connections from other transport modes XTNL CONN
RO Passengers taken ill on platform PASS ILL
RP Passenger dropped object whilst boarding/alighting from train and train delayed at TOC request PASS DROP
RQ Un-booked assistance for a person with reduced mobility joining/alighting UBKD ASST
RR Loading or unloading reserved bicycles BIKE RSVD
RS Loading or unloading unreserved bicycles BIKE URSVD
RT Loading excessive luggage EXCES LUGG
RU Locating lost luggage LOST LUGG
RV Customer Information System failure PASS INFO
RW Station flooding (including issues with drains) not the result of weather, where the water has not emanated from Network Rail maintained infrastructure/network STN FLOOD
RX Station delays as a result of overcrowding due to unplanned events or incidents (e.g result of line or station closure) where causal event is not determined. UNPL EVENT
RY Mishap - Station operating causes STN MISHAP
RZ Other Station operating causes STN OTHER
R1 Incorrect train dispatch by station staff DISPATCH
R2 Late TRTS given by station staff LATE TRTS
R3 Station staff unavailable - missing or uncovered STAFF MSNG
R4 Station staff split responsibility - unable to cover all duties STAFF DUTY
R5 Station staff error - e.g. wrong announcements, misdirection STAFF ERR
R7 Station delays as a result of overcrowding due to planned events(e.g.sports fixtures, concerts) PLND EVENT
R8 Delay at Station believed to be Operator cause and information required from Operator (Station Responsibility) STN UNEX
TA Train-crew/loco/stock/unit diagram issues DIAG ISSUE
TB Train cancelled or delayed at Train Operator’s request TOC REQEST
TF Seat reservation problems SEAT RESVN
TH (Senior) Conductor/Train Manager T-MGR/COND
TI Train-crew rostering problem ROSTERING
TJ Tail lamp or headlamp missing, not lit or wrongly displayed LAMP ISSUE
TK Train catering staff (including Contractors) CATERING
TM Connection authorised by TOC but out with connection policy AUTH CONN
TN Late presentation from the continent LATE CHUNL
TO Time lost en-route believed to be Operator cause and information required from Operator (Ops Responsibility) LIR UNEX
TP Special Stop Orders AUTH SSO
TR Train Operating Company Directive TOC DIRECT
TS Delay due to incorrect ETCS system or equipment operation by Driver ETCS DVR
TT Autumn-attribution Neutral Zone delays (See Supplementary Autumn Attribution Guidance) LF NEUTRAL
TW Driver adhering to company professional driving standards or policy PRO DRIVER
TX Delays incurred on non-Network Rail running lines or networks including London Underground (except fleet related delays) OTH NETWK
TY Mishap-Train Operating Company cause TOC MISHAP
TZ Other Passenger Train Operating Company causes TOC OTHER
T2 Delay at unstaffed station to non-DOO train NONDOO STN
T3 Waiting connections from other transport modes XTNL CONN
T4 Loading Supplies (including catering) SUPPLIES
T8 Delay at Station believed to be Operator cause and information required from Operator ( Ops Responsibility) STN UNEX
VA Disorder, drunks or trespass DISORDER
VB Vandalism and or theft VANDALISM
VC Fatalities and or injuries sustained whilst on a platform as the result of being struck by a train or falling from a train FATALITIES
VD Passenger taken ill on train ILL PASS
VE Ticket irregularities or refusals to pay TICKET IRR
VF Fire caused by vandalism VANDL FIRE
VG Police searching train POLICE-TRN
VH Passenger Communication cord, door egress or emergency train alarm operated PASS COMM
VI Security alert affecting stations and depots SEC ALERT
VR Driver adhering to company professional driving standards or policies during severe weather conditions that are not fleet related PRO DRIVER
VW Severe weather affecting passenger fleet equipment including following company standards/policies or Rule Book instructions SEV WEATHR
VX External events occurring on the LUL or other non NR running lines LUL CAUSES
VZ Other passenger or external causes the responsibility of TOC EXT OTHER
V8 Train striking or being struck by a bird BIRDSTRIKE
XA Trespass (Including non-intentional) TRESPASS
XB Vandalism or theft (including the placing of objects on the line) VANDALS
XC Fatalities or injuries caused by being hit by train (Including non-intentional) FATALITIES
XD Level Crossing Incidents including misuse and emergency services being prioritised over rail services. XING INCDT
XF Police searching the line POLICE-RLY
XH Severe heat affecting infrastructure the responsibility of Network Rail (excluding Heat related speed restrictions) SEV HEAT
XI Security alert affecting the Network Rail Network (including line blocks taken for emergency services attending an off Network Rail network incident) SEC ALERT
XK National Grid power failure - local area is also affected (includes ourages, surges and blips where a standby generator or UPS is installed and working) EXTL POWER
XL Fire external to but directly affecting the Network Rail network (including line blocks taken for emergency services attending an incident not directly affecting the Network Rail network) EXTL FIRES
XM External utility incident including gas, water mains and overhead power lines GAS/WATER
XN Road or crossing related incidents including cars on the line, crossing misuse and priority given to emergency services over trains (excluding bridge strikes) ROAD INCDT
XO External trees, building or structures encroaching or falling onto Network Rail network infrastructure (not due to weather or vandalism) also including aircraft and airport safety or operational related incidents. EXT OBJECT
XP Bridge Strike BRIDGE HIT
XQ Swing bridge open for river or canal traffic BRIDGE OPN
XR Cable vandalism or theft CABLE VAND
XT Severe snow or ice affecting infrastructure which is the responsibility of Network Rail (including implementation of Key Route Strategy) SEV SNOW
XU Sunlight on signal or dispatch equipment where all reasonable mitigation has been taken SUN OBSCUR
XV Fire or evacuation due to fire alarm of Network Rail buildings due to vandalism (not including stations) VANDL FIRE
XW High winds affecting infrastructure the responsibility of Network Rail including objects on the line due to the effect of weather HIGH WIND
X1 Visibility in semaphore signalled areas, orspecial working for fog and falling snow implemented by Network Rail – in all signalling areas (including special working for level crossing visibility) SPL WRKING
X2 Severe flooding beyond that which could be mitigated on Network Rail infrastructure SEV FLOOD
X3 Lightning Strike – damage to protected systems. LIGHTNING
X4 Blanket speed restriction or Key Route Strategy implemented in accordance with Group Standards or other national operational safety instruction KRS / BLKT
X8 Animal Strike or incursion not within the control of Network Rail EXT ANIMAL
X9 Points failure caused by severe snow or ice where heaters are fitted and working as designed PNTS SNOW
YA Lost path - regulated for train running less late REG-ONTIME
YB Lost path - regulated for another later running train REG-LATE
YC Lost path - following train running less late FOL-ONTIME
YD Lost path - following another later running train FOL-LATE
YE Waiting path onto/from single line WTG S/LINE
YG Regulated in accordance with Regulation Policy REG INSTRC
YI Late arrival of booked inward stock (inward and outward trains are operated under the same Track Access Contract) INWD STOCK
YJ Late arrival of booked inward train-crew (where the inward and outward trains worked by that train-crew are operated under the same Track Access Contract) INWD CREW
YL Waiting passenger connections within connections policy, contingency plan or otherwise agreed by NR/TOC AUTHSD CON
YM Special stop orders within the contingency plan or agreed by NR/TOC AUTHSD SSO
YN Service Recovery- booked train crew, not available FIND CREW
YO Waiting platform/station congestion/platform alteration PLATFORM
YP Delays due to diversions from booked route or line DIVERSION
YQ Passenger overcrowding caused by a train being of short-formation SHRT FRMD
YR Tactical cancellation for service recovery not caused by late running SR CNCL
YU Service Recovery- booked rolling stock, not available UNIT SWAPS
YT Reactionary delay to a train that is not leaving the network, by a train that is leaving the network NON NR INF
YV Tactical hold of a train at origin or at a strategic location en-route due to a line blocking incident on the train's booked route HELD BACK
YX Passenger overcrowding caused by delay or cancellation of another train or its own late running OVER CRWD
ZS No cause ascertainable for a Sub Threshold Delay causing Threshold Reactionary (where agreed by both Parties) NOCAUSE AS
ZU No Cause Identified After Full Investigation by Both Parties (A ‘Full Investigation’ will be one including all avenues of investigation agreed as reasonable by both Parties) NOCAUSE ID
ZW Uninvestigated Cancellations System Roll-Ups only SYS CANC
ZX Uninvestigated Late Start System Roll-Ups only SYS L-STRT
ZY Uninvestigated Station Overtime System Roll-Up only SYS OTIME
ZZ Uninvestigated Loss in Running System Roll-Up only SYS LIR

Network Rail Open Data Feeds
Data Feeds About the Feeds Account States Durable Subscriptions Example Code ( PHP / C# / Java / Ruby / Node.js) • STOMP Client Libraries Advanced UsesFAQ Release Notes
Train Movements Train Movements Feed Train Activation Train Cancellation Train Movement Train Reinstatement Change of Origin Change of Identity Change of Location TSPEED Field Planned Cancellations Cancellation Codes
TD TD Feed C-Class Messages S-Class Messages Train Describers TD Berths
TSR TSR Feed Route Codes
SCHEDULE SCHEDULE Feed TIPLOC Records Schedule and Location Records Association Records CIF Codes How Scheduling Works Allowances
Reference Data Reference Data Feed TOC Codes CIF Codes Delay Attribution Codes Identifying Locations (STANOX, TIPLOC, NLC and 3-Alpha Codes) STANOX Geographical Areas Train Planning data (BPLAN)