Train Reinstatement

From Open Rail Data Wiki


When trains are cancelled, but then reinstated, a reinstatement message message is sent. This contains details of the reinstatement, including the location at which the train is reinstated.

As with all other messages, cancellation messages will only be received for train schedules which have already been activated.

Data structure

    "header": {
        "msg_type": "0005",
        "source_dev_id": "LYUD",
        "user_id": "#QRP0059",
        "original_data_source": "TRUST DA",
        "msg_queue_timestamp": "1511528258000",
        "source_system_id": "TRUST"
    "body": {
        "current_train_id": "",
        "original_loc_timestamp": "",
        "train_file_address": null,
        "train_service_code": "21734000",
        "toc_id": "20",
        "dep_timestamp": "1511533980000",
        "division_code": "20",
        "loc_stanox": "32530",
        "train_id": "321P42MP24",
        "original_loc_stanox": "",
        "reinstatement_timestamp": "1511528220000"


Field Description
msg_type Set to '0005' for a reinstatement message
source_dev_id LATA or CICS Session of the inputting terminal
user_id NCI signon of the inputting user
source_system_id Set to "TRUST" for a reinstatement message
original_data_source Set to "TOPS", "SDR" or "TRUST DA"


Field Description
train_id The 10-character unique identity for this train at TRUST activation time
current_train_id Where a train has had its identity changed, the current 10-character unique identity for this train
original_loc_timestamp The planned departure time associated with the original location
dep_timestamp The planned departure time at the location where the train is being reinstated
loc_stanox The STANOX of the location at which the train is reinstated
original_loc_stanox The STANOX of the location in the schedule at activation time, if the location has been revised
reinstatement_timestamp The time at which the train was reinstated
toc_id Operating company ID as per TOC Codes
division_code_id Operating company ID as per TOC Codes
train_file_address The TOPS train file address, if applicable
train_service_code Train service code as per schedule

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