Train Movement

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Revision as of 16:17, 10 December 2018 by PeterHicks (talk | contribs) (Add CICS session to source_dev_id)
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A train movement message is sent whenever a train arrives, passes or departs a location monitored by TRUST. It records the time at which the event happens.

Reports may be automatically generated, or manually entered.

Data structure

	"header": {
		"msg_type": "0003",
		"source_dev_id": "VLA5",
		"user_id": "#QHPA026",
		"original_data_source": "SDR",
		"msg_queue_timestamp": "1511528232000",
		"source_system_id": "TRUST"
	"body": {
		"event_type": "DEPARTURE",
		"gbtt_timestamp": "",
		"original_loc_stanox": "",
		"planned_timestamp": "1511524620000",
		"timetable_variation": "0",
		"original_loc_timestamp": "",
		"current_train_id": "",
		"delay_monitoring_point": "true",
		"next_report_run_time": "9",
		"reporting_stanox": "52701",
		"actual_timestamp": "1511524620000",
		"correction_ind": "false",
		"event_source": "MANUAL",
		"train_file_address": null,
		"platform": "",
		"division_code": "79",
		"train_terminated": "false",
		"train_id": "515G531I24",
		"offroute_ind": "false",
		"variation_status": "ON TIME",
		"train_service_code": "25936005",
		"toc_id": "79",
		"loc_stanox": "52701",
		"auto_expected": "true",
		"direction_ind": "",
		"route": "",
		"planned_event_type": "DEPARTURE",
		"next_report_stanox": "52226",
		"line_ind": ""


Field Description
msg_type Set to '0003' for a movement message
source_dev_id LATA or CICS Session of the inputting terminal
user_id NCI signon of the inputting user
source_system_id Set to "TRUST" for a movement message
original_data_source Set to "TRUST", "TRUST DA", "SDR" or "GPS" for a movement message


Field Description
event_type The type of event - either "ARRIVAL" or "DEPARTURE"
gbtt_timestamp The planned GBTT (passenger) date and time that the event was due to happen at this location
original_loc_stanox If the location has been revised, the STANOX of the location in the schedule at activation time
planned_timestamp The planned date and time that this event was due to happen at this location
timetable_variation The number of minutes variation from the scheduled time at this location. Off-route reports will contain "0"
original_loc_timestamp The planned departure time associated with the original location
current_train_id Where a train has had its identity changed, the current 10-character unique identity for this train
delay_monitoring_point Set to "true" if this is a delay monitoring point, "false" if it is not. Off-route reports will contain "false"
next_report_run_time The running time to the next location
reporting_stanox The STANOX of the location that generated this report. Set to "00000" for manual and off-route reports
actual_timestamp The date and time that this event happened at the location
correction_ind Set to "false" if this report is not a correction of a previous report, or "true" if it is
event_source Whether the event source was "AUTOMATIC" from SMART, or "MANUAL" from TOPS or TRUST SDR
train_file_address The TOPS train file address, if applicable
platform Two characters (including a space for a single character) or blank if the movement report is associated with a platform number
division_code Operating company ID as per TOC Codes
train_terminated Set to "true" if the train has completed its journey, or "false" otherwise
train_id The 10-character unique identity for this train at TRUST activation time
offroute_ind Set to "false" if this report is for a location in the schedule, or "true" if it is not
variation_status One of "ON TIME", "EARLY", "LATE" or "OFF ROUTE"
train_service_code Train service code as per schedule
toc_id Operating company ID as per TOC Codes
loc_stanox The STANOX of the location at which this event happened
auto_expected Set to "true" if an automatic report is expected for this location, otherwise "false"
direction_ind For automatic reports, either "UP" or "DOWN" depending on the direction of travel
route A single character (or blank) to indicate the exit route from this location
planned_event_type The planned type of event - one of "ARRIVAL", "DEPARTURE" or "DESTINATION"
next_report_stanox The STANOX of the location at which the next report for this train is due
line_ind A single character (or blank) depending on the line the train is travelling on, e.g. F = Fast, S = Slow

Network Rail Open Data Feeds
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