CIF Association Records

From Open Rail Data Wiki

Record Format

Associations are relationships between two schedules (i.e. a main train and an associated train.) Association records are contained within the SCHEDULE data feed, and provide information about the possible associations between train schedules. These can list the service that forms a given schedule and / or the service that a given schedule goes on to form.

For further details, see the Network Rail Common Interface Format file specification.

AANY80987Y808801601041602121111100JJSPRST     TP                               P

Record Fields

Field Format Size Mandatory Comment
Record Identity String 2 Y Value AA.
Transaction Type String 1 Y The type of transaction
  • N - New
  • D - Delete
  • R - Revise.
Main Train UID String 6 Y UID of one train in the association.
Associated Train UID String 6 Y UID of the other train in the association.
Association start date Date (YYMMDD) 6 Y Start date of the association.
Association end date Date (YYMMDD) 6 Y End date for the association.
Association days Bit String 7 Y A seven-bit field; first bit starting from the left represents Monday, and last bit represents Sunday. A 1 means that the service runs on that day, while a 0 means that it does not.
Association Category String 2 Y* The type of association
  • JJ - Join
  • VV - Divide
  • NP - Next.
Association Date Indicator Char 1 Y* Date relationship of the association
  • S - Standard - the association occurs on the same day
  • N - Over next-midnight - the association occurs the next day
  • P - Over previous-midnight - the association occurs the previous day.
Association Location String 7 Y TIPLOC of the location where the association applies.
Base Location Suffix Integer 1 Together with the TIPLOC, identifies the event on the base UID.
Association Location Suffix Integer 1 Together with the TIPLOC, identifies the event on the associated UID.
Diagram Type Char 1 Y Not used. Value T.
Association Type Char 1 Y* P = passenger use, O = operating use only.
Spare String 31
STP Indicator Char 1 Y STP (short-term planning) schedule indicator:
  • C - STP cancellation of permanent association
  • N - New STP association (not an overlay)
  • O - STP overlay of permanent association
  • P - Permanent association

* may be truncated in Delete records.

CIF HD (Header) • ZZ (End of File)
Association AA (Association)
Location BS (Basic Schedule) BX (Basic Schedule Extended) LO (Location Origin) LI (Location Intermediate) CR (Change-en-Route) LT (Location Terminate)

Network Rail Open Data Feeds
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