CIF Tiploc Amend

From Open Rail Data Wiki

The CIF 'TA' record instructs that a system should update an existing TIPLOC in its local database. The 'TIPLOC' field refers to the TIPLOC to be amended - if the 'New TIPLOC' field is not set to spaces, this TIPLOC is being renamed.

Record Format

TAMBRK94200590970AMILLBROOK SIG E942        86536   0                           

Record Fields

Field Format Length Example Value Comments
Record Identity String 2 TA Always TA
TIPLOC String 7 MBRK942 Timing Point Location
Capitals Identification Number 2 00 Defines capitalisation of TIPLOC
NLC Number 6 590970 National Location Code
NLC Check Char Char 1 A
TPS Description String 26 MILLBROOK SIG E942 Description of location
Stanox Number 5 86536
(Not used) Number 4 0
3-Alpha Code String 3
NLC description String 16
New TIPLOC String 7 Only present if TIPLOC change
Spare String 1 (empty space)

CIF HD (Header) • ZZ (End of File)
Association AA (Association)
Location BS (Basic Schedule) BX (Basic Schedule Extended) LO (Location Origin) LI (Location Intermediate) CR (Change-en-Route) LT (Location Terminate)

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